9/20 Politics in Paradise
Date and Time
Friday Sep 20, 2024
5:30 PM - 8:30 PM PDT
Friday, September 20, 2024
5:30pm - 8:30pm
Tacos, wine, beer, sodas, and horchata!
The Water Conservation Garden
Cuyamaca College
12122 Cuyamaca College Dr. W
El Cajon, CA 92019
Confirmed Participants (so far...)
Single Attendee Ticket: $35 Member | $40 Non-Member | Door: $40
Participant Fee: $50
Platinum Sponsor: $2,500
Gold Sponsor: $1,750
Silver Sponsor: $1,500
Bronze Sponsor: $1,000
Food & Beverage Underwriter: $750
Supporting Sponsor: $500
Contact Information
Stephanie Deppensmith | Events and Programs
Send Email
Are you involved in politics? Then this event is for you!
The San Diego Regional East County Chamber of Commerce invites you to participate in the upcoming Politics in Paradise event on Friday, September 20, 2024. This biennial event will take place at the Water Conservation Garden at Cuyamaca College from 5:30pm-8:30pm. The evening provides an opportunity to share your platform and discuss topics with both Chamber members and non-members alike. You will be able to promote your office or candidacy, solicit fund-raising, give a one-minute speech, and invite attendees to engage one-on-one Q&A throughout the event. As the respected voice of and advocate for improving business opportunities, public policy and business education throughout San Diego County; the San Diego Regional East County Chamber of Commerce looks forward to your participation. Please complete and return the attached form, or click 'register'.