Membership & Ambassador Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday Jan 8, 2025
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST
Second Wednesday of the Month
12:00pn - 1:00pm
San Diego Regional East County Chamber of Commerce
201 S. Magnolia Ave.
El Cajon, CA 92020
Meeting ID: 885 4323 2652
Must be a member in good standing to join a committee

Support the Chamber while promoting your business! Join the Membership and Ambassador committee to contribute ideas for membership growth, support, and advocacy. Ambassadors are representatives of the Chamber at ribbon-cuttings, community celebrations and serve as host and hostesses at Chamber events. One of your roles as a Chamber ambassador is to welcome new members and answer any questions they may have about the Chamber. Being an Ambassador is a lot of fun and make a lot of connections.